RGB Lasersystems – Lasers from Kelheim in Germany for customers all over the world
years of experience
satisfied customers
continents supplied to
Our team stands for the highest quality and best customer support
Our dedicated engineers and production teams are experienced specialists in creating compact laser modules with high-end technical features „Made in Germany“.
Through our global partners and distributors, we are able to supply our customers worldwide and thus continue to grow as a company.

Lambda Product Lineup
Our laser modules are being used in a large range of different applications. Convince yourself here of the numerous advantages that our products offer.
Light- / Product- / Material-Analysis RAMAN excitations OEM / System Integration Research & Education Process Control & Monitoring Anti‑Counterfeiting Protection Bio‑ / Medical Applications
extraordinary high value to price ratio
precise creation and detection of light
free of charge control software with each laser
highly customizable module lineup
Monitor and control all essential device parameters with Ltune
Our software lets you choose between various modulation modes (if available), on demand services and calibration options.

What people are saying about us and our awesome products
Reliable and Precise
Reliable and Precise
„It´s amazing how reliable and precise these miniaturized Laser systems operate. Especially in such a challenging field as Raman spectroscopy, which is our main research topic.“
Reliable and Precise
„It´s amazing how reliable and precise these miniaturized Laser systems operate. Especially in such a challenging field as Raman spectroscopy, which is our main research topic.“
Reliable and precise
„It´s amazing how reliable and precise these miniaturized Laser systems operate. Especially in such a challenging field as Raman spectroscopy, which is our main research topic.“
Perfect customized light source
„With the Lambda Beam laser module RGB Lasersystems provided us a perfect customized wavelength-tunable light source for our photo-ionization setup.“
„It´s amazing how reliable and precise these miniaturized Laser systems operate. Especially in such a challenging field as Raman spectroscopy, which is our main research topic.“